At Philadelphia International Airport !

This afternoon, in only about 30 minutes, I start my journey to Quito, Ecuador! I fly from Philadelphia to Miami to Quito! I will be meeting a driver at the airport in Quito and from there it is about an hour and a half ride to my destination. So how am I feeling… anxious to say the least. I have traveled abroad before, but never alone. However, I think that at the end of the trip when I am sitting in the airport again to fly home I will feel accomplished and proud to have gone out on my own and to have tested my limits. The last time I traveled abroad I went to India for about 27 days with a small group of King’s College students and faculty. Although I successfully dealt with the culture shock when arriving in India, I struggled for several weeks upon my return to the United States. Upon my return, it was difficult for me to understand how so many U.S. residents/citizens had no idea what was going on half way across the world: the history, the poverty, the culture, the political struggles, and most importantly the people themselves. So many times we live in the small bubble of our hometown and never seek to get to know those who live beyond its borders. After talking to some friends who helped me get through this culture shock I was able to finally get a grasp on my experience abroad. I was also able to realize that before focusing on social justice issues abroad, I needed to focus on the present and I needed to allow myself to excel in school and all I do, so that one day I can raise awareness and fight the good fight. With Christmas right around the corner I can only hope to have a lesser reaction this time around. Today a good friend told me, just remember the people you are helping would not want you sad on Christmas or worrying about the social ills they face on a daily basis, instead they would want you to be happy and to fight to right the wrongs another day.


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